Did you know ?

How many kind insects are there ?

What do most people think of when you mention 'insects'? Well, they may think of pets, such as
flies, mosquitoes, moths, and beetles. Or they may think of ants and bees and wasps; and attractive insects like butterflies. And then if you ask if they can think of any other insects, they might be able to think of a few more.

But do you know how many different kinds of inscets there actu
ally are? There are somewhere between two and four million different kinds of insects!

Scientists have actually described in scientific language as many as 625 000 different kinds. They practically have no hope of ever being able to classify every single kind of insect that exist.

When it comes to trying to estimate how many insects are living in the world today, the number is so vast that the human mind cannot imagine it! The only way scientists can even begin to count the insect population in any one area is to count insects that can be found in and on a square metre of rich, moist soil.

Remember that if you, who are untrained in observing insects, were to go over this hectare and count insects, you would see only an occasionally butterfly, bumblebee, or beetle.

But the majority of insects are so small that the human eye does not readily notice them. Many are microscopic. And there are only a few thousand insects of all those that exist that become annoying enough to man for him to control them.sourse (my science book)

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